
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Presents in the mail!

Oh how I LOVE getting presents/packages in the mail!

Melissa, a DVD student (Hi Melissa!!!) sent hand made gifts!

Poppy was SO glad that she did because she thought what I had her dressed in for the fall was ridiculous!  (I thought the hat was pretty great!)

She is MUCH happier in the new little dress set that Auntie Melissa made.
It's her (and MY) favorite color!  (It is actually more purple than this picture shows.  Night time pictures.)
Melissa also hand dyed two lovely pieces of purple!  

Sophie was a little jealous and wanted to try out the fabric too!
I will admit that the color looks splendid with her skin tones!

Thank you SO much Melissa!  
I squealed like a little kid!

I'll be the first to admit that I am so very, very spoiled!  

Love to you all!

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