
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Little peek at Elijah with hair

Well now...I have a body issue, AGAIN!

This time, it is understandable what happened.  

The kit manufacturer for Jorja Pigott's Elijah sent two sizes of bodies, but did not tell Jorja that bit of information.

So the body I have for Eljah is too long and I am currently waiting for another one before he can go to eBay.

While we wait, here are a few pictures of him with hair  :)

Also while I wait, I am starting to finish up dolls for the Sauder Village Doll Show!


  1. Hi Debbie! I absolutely LOVED your air dry paints tutorial. It was amazing and easy to follow step by step. I was wondering if you would be making a tutorial of an ethnic, AA, biracial or Hispanic baby anytime in the future. Little Elijah is beautiful and I know his new mommy will be very pleased (and lucky). Thanks in advance!

    1. Thank you! I am so happy that it helped!
      En route to me right now are the Special Care Nursery flesh and basic colors. I may try an Ethnic skin tone with those when I have time and do a tutorial. I've never been completely happy with Ethnics and air dry so I've used Genesis to start out my tones~except on Elijah, I used almost all Genesis on him. But, it's a long complicated process and I have no desire to do a Genesis tutorial...I'm so sorry about that!
      Anyway, I have made available for purchase a Latino skin tone Color Guide:
      It has been a favored guide over the years.
