
Monday, June 2, 2014

The most asked question lately....

Debbie, are you going to the shows in North Carolina?
(This would be the Rose DEDS and the IDS doll shows later this month; June)

And the answer is...


You see, I took this year off from June shows so that I could enjoy my spring.  
June shows are very hard to prepare for~at least for me.

I also wanted to invest some of my hard-earned profits back into improving my home instead of placing them all in traveling expenses.

Since I knew I would not be buying airline tickets, last fall, I had this old icky looking, weed growing path between our house and the neighbors garage

turned into this lovely rock path:

And all this spring, I have been making improvements to our yard and have created gardens to which I am growing some wonderful, organic foods for us to enjoy.  

And I have enjoyed planting many different flowers and herbs as well.

This spring, I purchased new windows for my laundry room and did some eye-appeal changes to that room.

Here are the old, single pane windows.
These windows opened inward and the center one could be completely removed.

Here are the new windows.  I had them custom built to allow a year-round seat for my cat, Yuumei.

  And she LOVES her windows!

I've spent a lot of time with these three boys:

Have been taking riding lessons every Friday on this boy:

Have been enjoying these precious ones:

Will I miss seeing all my friends from around the world?  

Yes, I will, but I won't forget this spring and how relaxing and enjoying it has been.

I can't wait to hear all the stories of all the "adoptions" and fun times everyone will have!


1 comment:

  1. Debbie, How wonderful to see all that you are doing for yourself. You will never regret taking time for yourself and family. God Bless you.
