
Monday, April 7, 2014

When life hands you lemons....

Make a Gemma!

Yesterday, as I returned to the nursery to work on Tavi, I noticed that his paint just did not seem right.  

Upon touching it, I realized that it was not cure from the last bake on Thursday.


I went to the kitchen to turn the oven on and waited from the nursery, doing this and that, until I heard the pre-heat beeper go off.  

Upon opening the door, I felt NO heat.  My oven was NOT working!

I only had a little bit more Genesis work to do on Tavi before I switched to do the finishing  touches with air dry paints.  Harrumph!

Of course, that was on a Sunday so I could not do anything about the dead oven.

And I think it is just the bottom element so hopefully it will be back up and running soon.

I bought the Gemma kit a couple of months ago when the order that I placed with Bountiful Baby did not meet the minimum order requirements.  I have loved Gemma since the sculpt came out so I added her to my cart and have been dying to reborn her!  

Since I have just a small window of opportunity before the oven is back up running, I decided to make a Simple Treasures baby out of her.  I should be able to finish up her paint today and she might just have painted hair too.

She is intended to go to the Sauder Village show with me.  
(The website is still not updated but hopefully soon it will be.  I have some exciting news to share about that show!)

I am loving this little girl!

So, there you go. 
When life hands you lemons,
make a Gemma!  


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