
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Challenged myself. Mixed Race Tavi prototype

I have been itching to do an ethnic baby of some sort for some time now.

When Marita Winters asked me to do one of the Tavi prototypes, I thought that he was the one!

When he arrived, Marita asked me what I thought about the color of the vinyl as it is very light and pale.

I thought that is was really nice for just about anyone to work on but then I got to thinking about HOW I would get to the nice warm tones I needed for a mixed race baby and I almost ran from the thought but I really, REALLY want to do an ethnic!

So, I set out to work and am happy with the results so far.

Here are more pictures of the blank kit, then where he was when I finished work last night:

So far, I am achieving the look I desired.
I have a lot of work yet to do on him so am anxious to get started on today's work.

This sculpt is so beautiful!  
His details are scrumptious with a lot of detail throughout the entire sculpt.

What a joy Tavi is! 

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