
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4th silicone Dawson in progress :)

I don't think I could ever tire of this sculpt!

This Dawson is a custom painted silicone kit for a fellow reborner named Julie.
It is an honor that she selected me to bring her silicone kit to life.
She saw my first painted Dawson at last years Down East Doll Show and fell in love then.

(I know, some of you are saying, "WHAT?!?!?!  I thought Debbie Henshaw did not do custom orders?!?!?!"

I do not with vinyl, but I am open to reborn silicone KITS ONLY, as my time allows.  

I have another custom silicone to do next month and then I will be stopping all prototype requests as well as custom silicone kits in preparation for the Ohio Sauder Village Show at the end of July.

Here is Dawson's progress:

Day 1:
Just one picture
And after yesterdays work, day 2:

Except for dealing with the hairs and fuzz, I LOVE working with silicone!

Have a great Tuesday!

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