
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Miss me? George is on eBay!

I think I got a bit overwhelmed at the end of the week last week.

When I get overwhelmed, I miss doing a lot of things, like blogging!

George Dawson is on eBay and will end Wednesday night  :)

He met reserve very quickly!  I was pleasantly surprised about that!  

I so love this Dawson sculpt.  And he's SO cuddly.  

I will have other news to post this week as time allows.  My dear husband is on a 2 week furlough so it can be hard for me to focus when he is home...I just get too distracted!

Here's to a great Sunday!

Will YOU watch the Superbowl??  
We will be (and I'm thankful that it is later in the day for us so that I can get some needed business things done), and it is the first time in probably 25 years that I have watched it.  But, I live in the Northwest, right next door to Washington State.  Go Seahawks!  And the Bronco's are always a team to root for in the Northwest.  Go Broncos!  It will be an interesting and fun day!

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