
Monday, January 6, 2014

Gloria Hartman Smilanick, YOU WON! 2014 Drawing

BIG congratulations go out to my 2013 customer, 
Gloria Smilanick as the winner of the New Years Day drawing for
a $600 credit on a custom baby~Whooot Whooot!

Gloria is SO excited and has already selected the custom baby she desires,
Noah by Reva Schick.

Oh I so love reborning Noah and other Reva Schick babies!

Here is a Noah that I have done in the past:

 Gloria is allowing me the freedom to create this baby how I see fit and as a boy or a girl, as I see fit.
I am VERY excited about that!

Tomorrow, I will share with you another Reva Schick baby I am working on...

Until then, 

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