
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

For Becky~Grandbabies!

One of my friends and outstanding customers doesn't get much time on the internet these days, but she does take the time to catch up on my blog...but not Facebook.

Well, I MUST show her the recent pictures of three of my youngest grandchildren  :)

These are pictures that I took over the weekend, practicing with the camera in manual mode. 
Oh boy...I do still have so much to work out! 

These kids are so cute that a little blur won't matter.

Remington, 6 months; Jack, 2 months, Jarrod, 9 months.

 Jack's smile  :)

 Jarrod says, "Remmy, talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening!"  LOL 
 "Can we be done yet???"
 I can't get enough of this smile!

These are from another session that I did with Remington:

And some that I took of Jarrod while he was doing normal baby things.
Happy after a little lunch:

 And total crash while in motion in the jumper!  
This is the first time that any of us have seen him fall asleep during play.  Usually, he takes some persuasion to go to sleep.
 Out like a light! 
How many other's are blessed with three little grand kids all under the age of 1?  

(We actually have 4 but as I've mentioned before, we aren't permitted to see the other one  :(  )

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