
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

1201 posts

Today is the last day of 2013.

Here's to a glorious 2014!!!

I noticed before I posted that this would be post #1201 since I began this blog.  

I don't know why that caught my eye, or why I needed to post about it, it just did and I just did.

2103 went by SO fast.  

Seems like it was just yesterday that I was doing taxes and here it is, time to think about them and begin doing them again.  This is the one thing I dislike about ending a year and starting a new one.


I do not have a lot of live shows on the agenda for 2014.
If I get enough registrants, I will be in Portland, OR over Valentines weekend doing a 
"Create a Baby" stand where girls can assemble a sweet baby with my assistance.

I'll be at Sauder Village in Ohio July 31-August 3rd doing a two day class and two day show.

The rest of the time, I have a lot of silicone kits and vinyl kits I will be offering while I focus on home repairs/improvements for 2014.  

And working and riding my horses.  

It IS the Year of the Horse you know  :)

Happy New Years to you all! 

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