
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Progress on silicone Prestons

Sharing progress pictures is not as easy with silicone because as soon as you place them by anything cloth, they are filled with hair and fuzz!  Heck, if you just breathe they are coated!  I do not know where it all comes from.

So, the light where I paint is so wonderful to paint by, but because I am taking pictures into the light, the SLR camera says, "Not" and I don't get good pictures with it.  

My cell phone didn't do too bad of a job on this picture, taken on day 2 of my work on the twins.
By the way, I have named them Preston and Priscilla.  
(Sorry, no eyes.)
Today I have given them a bath to remove the hairs and fuzz that have come from nowhere and I shall continue painting.
Have a good Sunday!

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