
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ask Debbie Thursday!

There is one new question added to the Ask Debbie page.

Be sure to take a look!

So what's going on in the nursery?
Today I should be able to finish rooting prototype Isaac  :)  

I've processed a little bit more mohair and will be adding it to my Artfire store this morning.

I am very excited to begin the test paint baby next week.  

And silicone prototype Rio has arrived to the nursery!!!  

HE is a beautiful kit!  Boy do I have a lot of silicones here to get busy on with three more full bodied mini's on the way!  That makes SIX of those, 2 Preston's (one is an Artist Proof/Prototype, the other is a bonus twin), 2 Dawson's (one is for the artist, Rachelle Ferrell herself),  1 Precious by Lilianne Breedveld, and the prototype Rio.

Weee dogs!  I better get busy!

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