
Friday, November 29, 2013

Sharing my collection Friday~New baby!

I gave you a little peek the other day of a new girl that has joined my collection.
Let me tell you about her.

She is the new "Crystal" sculpt from Bountiful Baby.

She was reborn by a young and up and coming artist, and I was so drawn to her!
Having just turned 14, she did an awesome job on this, her second baby.
Her paint application is very, very good and her body balance is wonderful!
It is rare that I receive a doll that I have to change the weight on.  
I will probably give her a longer body but her weight is great!

I have named her after her young artist, Madison  :)
I took her pictures with my camera in manual mode  :)

 Her nails are simply terrific for a beginner.

 Her yellow highlights are a bit rich but the placement of them are just right   :)
LOOK at her beautiful brows and dainty lashes!!!
And those lips!  What a beautiful job Madison did.
I am very drawn to this baby.  She makes me smile.  I have to pick her up often.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sometimes we can become very anxious for that wonderful Thanksgiving meal.
Brittany seems to be reaching for food in haste.
Sammie has not forgotten to give thanks.

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

(I will be taking today through part of Sunday off)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I learned so much! ~Photography Session~

What a wonderful, jam packed, 3 hour session I had yesterday!
This professional photographer knows how to speak in a language that is understandable and got right to the core of what I want to achieve...capturing a subject in a picture as my eyes see it.


I will be practicing with my camera in the manual settings some every day.

These are the images I captured yesterday, some with her present, and some without. 
These are some of the best definition pictures I've ever take of my cat, Yuumei:

And then...I got a new baby doll in the mail!
That picture is still a little bit rich in tones but what I was pleased about is that I captured her and not the walker that she is sitting in, which has been a problem I've had in the auto setting.  The auto selects which item to focus on.  In manual, I get to be the queen!  

I'll share more about her on Friday if I have time before the visiting family arises for the day.  

I don't know what my husband spent on this gift for me but I do know that whatever it was, it was well worth it.  He is pleased after hearing me chat his ears off at dinner last night.  

As for time for me?  WELL worth it!

Can't wait to "shoot" more!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Photography mentorning session today!

I will be spending 3 full hours with a local professional photographer in my own personal mentoring session!

I am very excited about this and have so many questions to ask her.

We will go over photographing real babies, dolls, lighting issues, distance, camera settings, photoshop etc, etc, etc.

My brain might hurt by the time we are done but I'm sure the education will be worth it  :)

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Progress on silicone Prestons

Sharing progress pictures is not as easy with silicone because as soon as you place them by anything cloth, they are filled with hair and fuzz!  Heck, if you just breathe they are coated!  I do not know where it all comes from.

So, the light where I paint is so wonderful to paint by, but because I am taking pictures into the light, the SLR camera says, "Not" and I don't get good pictures with it.  

My cell phone didn't do too bad of a job on this picture, taken on day 2 of my work on the twins.
By the way, I have named them Preston and Priscilla.  
(Sorry, no eyes.)
Today I have given them a bath to remove the hairs and fuzz that have come from nowhere and I shall continue painting.
Have a good Sunday!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sharing my Collection Friday! TNGUN babies!

 I wanted to dress some babies in fall/Thanksgiving type outfits however, I do not have a lot of those colors and styles.  

Hmmmm....what to do???
Then it hit me.  "I think I have enough to clothe the babies that I have either made for me or kept that didn't sell."

It surprised me to learn that I have FIFTEEN TNGUN babies!

Three are portrait babies of members in my family, four are ones who did not find their family on eBay that I loved anyway, two are mini Clay OOAK babies that I reborn, one is a silicone that was in my collection that I reborned, one is an Ashton Drake that I modified, and one is a doll that I reborned, sold then bought back 4 years later!

Here they all are in a group:
A little closer:

And some individuals:
Jena, a vinyl reborn doll, Lillian, made by Antonio Juan, a portrait of my oldest granddaughter and a Bonnie Chyle mini OOAK that I reborned:
 Billy in the back, a reborn vinyl Berenguer and Beata a reborn vinyl doll from Paradise Galleries.
 Matthew the Little Cowboy, a reborn vinyl doll from Masterpiece dolls/Laura Tuzio Ross:
Laurel, a reborn silicone doll originally made by Rita Rich Arnold.
 A vinyl reborn of my second granddaughter.  This is the "Sweet Embrace" doll by Berenguer.
 Little Emily, a vinyl Ashton Drake reborn:
 Elizabeth, a vinyl Berenguer reborn.  She was the 6th doll I made  :)
 Erik, a reborn "My Baby Girl" vinyl doll by Danbury Mint/Sheila Michaels.  He didn't sell on eBay which is a good thing as he was one of those dolls that caught the bumpy head syndrome, and his paint has come off his limbs.  He is the cuddliest doll in my collection though and I do love him to bits! 
 Be still my heart!  This is Sammie, a vinyl reborn prototype of Melissa Palesse's  "Dimples" kit.
I fell so in love with her and was delighted when she didn't meet reserve on eBay!  
She has a lot more color than this picture shows.  I just could not get the light right on her. 
 MICHAEL!  This was one of the first boys in my collection.  He came as a red head from Ashton Drake.  I gave him blonde hair, new lashes, a new body and weighted him to move better.  
He has been one of the staring characters in my picture stories.
 This is Dougy.  I do not know what his original sculpt name was.  He is a clay One of a Kind by Bonnie Chyle. I reborned him and found one of Bonnie's thumb prints on his head  :) 
 Oh I so love Brittany!  She is a reborn of the sculpt "Ella Rose" by Vikki Ebbling.  
I reborned her in 2008, sold her on eBay and bought her back in 2012.
I love them all so much!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Silicone painting happening in the nursery!

Painting silicone dolls just exhilarates me!
I started painting on twin Preston silicone kits by Rachelle Ferrell yesterday.
Oh it just makes me feel so alive!  
I could not sleep as I wanted to just keep on painting but I don't like to use artificial lights as I cannot see as well so, I don't paint at night. 

I just spent the night thinking about painting more on them.

With a free schedule today, I am headed to the nursery early to get started.

SO happy!  

I won't be doing many WIP pictures, at least not of them with eyes in and looking like they are on a body, as I don't want to deal with fuzz and hairs that happen when this is done.

But, I'll share some of them on the painting table as I go.  :)

Happy, Happy, Happy! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Isaac prototype on eBay :)

I just love my new template!
Doing my auctions has been so pleasurable using it just looks so nice!

Click the link above to go to his auction.

I sure do love this little boy!  

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Baby Isaac is born!

I love creating boys.  I don't know why, I just do.
So it was with great excitement pleasure that I was asked to reborn one of the vinyl prototypes of Isaac.
He was sculpted by Stephanie S Tackett of HunnyBuns Reborn Dolls and Supply.
His kit is in stock and ready to ship

Presenting my version of Isaac!
Shhhh....he is sleeping...

I enjoyed changing him in his video.  
He slept through the whole process  :)

I will be setting up his auction this morning and it will go live tonight.  

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Drawing a blank

It's Sunday.  

I did not finish rooting Isaac on Thursday but I am very close to being done.
I  WILL finish his hair and his final details today  :)  

Other than that, I have nothing else to share!  

Have a glorious Sunday!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sharing my collection Friday~Gobble, Gobble!

Brittany is perplexed...
She has a turkey on her head!

Isn't that just the cutest turkey hat you ever saw?!?!  

I bought it from Mandy on Doll Fan.  
It has a diaper cover as well.

It's EXTRA cute on our 5 1/2 month old granddaughter! 

Oh I love this little girl so much!

I didn't have Jarrod for long enough to get him in the studio with the turkey set, but I caught some great pictures of him in the leaves the week before:

and having a conversation with his rocking horse:
Oh how I love these babies SO much...ALL of them!