
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Me oh my...another OOAK Meet JACK!

Jack is a REAL One of a Kind GRANDSON!
Born October 3rd right here in our own town so we will get lot's of cuddles!
This one is from our youngest daughter and her husband.  
The gender of this little guy was unknown until he was born~what fun!

This was our first look at Jack Owen.
Our daughter and son-in-law wanted a private birth and they spent about 45 minutes or so counting all of his fingers and toes before we all got to meet him.

He is just a teeny little guy weighing in at 6 pounds 1 ounce and 20 inches long.  
He will be long and lean!

Introductions to his grandpa, my husband:

 And to me.  He has such a little cry!

 4 males in the family:
Grandpa Calvin and Jack
Uncle Bobby and cousin Jarrod
Our son in law had told us that he didn't think he could be in the labor and deliver room and that his precious wife might have to "go it alone"  (of course this family would never let that happen!).
But, he, all on his own with just the help of the nurse and doctor, was there the entire time helping his wife (our daughter) and witnessing Jack's entrance into the world. 
He even cut the cord!  We are so proud of him!

He also swore that he would not be changing diapers.  
I think our sweet girl convinced him otherwise and before Jack was even 24 hours old, 
Daddy changed his first diaper.
Oh we just HAD to giggle though.  Can you see why?

 But hey, he got it on snugger than I did!  
And I HAVE changed diapers!  
Atta boy Daddy! 
Just can't wait to see how Jack grows and shapes you into the fine daddy that you are already becoming.

The kids weren't quite ready when labor began so our son was asked to give a helping hand.
Well we couldn't resist helping plus, the new crib showed up on our doorstep yesterday so we got together and set up the nursery.  
It was so much fun!

Mom and baby are doing well and will arrive home from the hospital today  :)

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