
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Is it the end of the weekend already?!?!?!

Heavens, I believe I need a FULL WEEK of my hubby being gone so that I can continue to work late into the nights without feeling guilty of neglect!

I intended to share so much with you yesterday and today but all I have is news, really.

I will be trying some new air dry paints.  I wanted to take a picture of the paint set that arrived and show it to you but, I just didn't get it done.  I will, just not this weekend.

A box containing 4 silicone kits came in the mail.  I wanted to take a picture of ALL of the silicone kits together that I have to do, but I didn't get that done.  Oh well, I'm waiting for one more anyway  :)

I DID get the mohair processed and listed!
And before I could barely get started on printing labels for orders that came in, my printer ran out of ink.  Never seems to fail!  LOL

I DID get the LyLy Rose Prototype finished, video'd and photographed!  
I'll share one picture of her and share her auction and video information once I have her live on eBay.

I wanted to play with my personal dolls but that certainly did not happen!
And my brain has stopped.   I am sure there is more to tell you but It's not coming to mind at the moment!

Enjoy your Sunday!

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