
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Guess where I am going tomorrow???

To the angora goat farm!

Yes, it's that time of year again and I can't be happier!  

In the meantime (today), I have packaged up the last of the mohair orders (for the moment) and am ready to take them to the post office.  There are too many for our post lady to pick up.  She's an amazing post lady and very capable of her work, but there are just too many! 

I believe I have sent out 35 mohair orders  :)

I took time to clean up the nursery was a DISASTER!
Supplies had been coming in that had not gotten put away and the work table was cluttered with new items and things I had to do.  I have a fresh start now  :)

I am devoting today to re-doing an auction for Prototype Annalisa by Dianna Effner.
She is such a sweet baby that did not find a home during her first time on eBay.
Her pictures were kindof dark.  She's hard to photograph because she does have a rich tone, but I'm going to try again.  

I guess I just feel like I need to attend to some undone things before I begin the next prototype baby.

Have a happy Tuesday!

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