
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Was considering bald...

As I began work on little Joy, she kept screaming to me BALD HEAD!

But now that I've painted her
(yes, paint is finished but sorry, ran out of time for progress pics)
I'm not so sure. 
I'll take another look at her this morning and see what I think but now I am leaning towards hair.

I got the most AMAZING silicone kit in the mail yesterday!
"Precious" sculpted by Lilianne Breedveld and poured by Claire Taylor.
My gracious, those two are a dynamite team!
Lilianne sculpts SO well with great detail and Claire has to be the best in the industry for pouring.
Every detail is paid attention to, including nice deep nostrils and ear canals.  
Oh this baby is going to so life-like when I get her done.
SHE could turn into a HE though  :)

Have a fabulous day!

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