
Monday, September 23, 2013

Let's talk about rooting Kid mohair...

A reborning friend of mine told me yesterday that she is rooting with some of my 
"Remington Red" kid mohair...and that she loves the hair but is hating the process!  LOL

It is true.  Rooting kid mohair is a whole different ball-game than rooting yearling or adult mohair.

It takes patience.  And more patience.  And MORE patience!

The fibers are super fine, are hard for needles to grab and oftentimes, are hard to root in certain places of the vinyl, just due to changes in the vinyl itself.

But...the results, if done correctly, are always worth the patience it takes to root it.

I almost always root with kid hair.  That is why it takes me so very, very long to complete a doll.

I will be offering a lot of yearling and adult hair on my next mohair offering for those not so brave but I will also have a good selection of the super-fine baby kid hair.

Happy Day!

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