
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I can't believe this hair is painted!

Linda Moore is an incredible artist.

I already knew that.

But wow...she has blown me away with this painted hair on her Isaac Prototype!!

Can you believe that that is not rooted hair, but painted?!?!?!  

I feel like my eyes and mind deceive me!

Just had to share some incredible artwork today  :)


  1. amazing! wonder if you can mix painted and rooted hair? I have a reborn that came with a bad hair rooting job. bare spots and frizzy wonder if I could fill in with paint, assuming I could ever paint hair like Isaac! Ha!

    1. Yes, you can mix painted hair with rooted hair but it is MUCH easier to do if there isn't already rooted hair on the head.
      It might be a better option to pull the hair out and start over again, especially if the hair is not of good quality (frizzy).
      Let us know what you do :)
