
Monday, August 5, 2013

Speaking of Sally...and Bonnie Brown, and Racheal Ambler....

YES!  I will reveal the color of Sally's hair with you,  tomorrow when I have her photo shoot and auction all done, so feel free to keep on guessing.

In the meantime, I'd like to delight you with a video and report on two of my favorite Ausie's as they traveled to America for the Down East Doll Show 2013 in June...
Bonnie Brown (the creator of Sally) and Racheal Ambler.

Bonnie had Racheal reborn one of the Sally prototypes and that is one of the dolls seen in this video and in the pictures.

I guess what I really love about all of this is this is what my friends and I experience when we take our dolls out.  I LOVE making people smile.  I love the shock factor!  LOL  
I love everything about it.  Even the teeny bit of negative that we sometimes get, as it still opens up a doorway for communication and if the person is willing to listen, there is often a softening as they begin to understand what the dolls are all about.  

I adore these two fine ladies.  It is such and honor to work with Bonnie and her amazing art. 
Racheal's reborns are some of the sweetest I've seen and I intend to own one some day.

Enjoy your day! 

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