
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Looking forward to Portland!

Now that the toddler head is finished and the eye setting went well AND the body is weighted and assembled AND for sure one of the mini silicones will be going with me,
I am really looking forward to the Portland Oregon show!

I have all day to work today and then I can do final assembly and photo shoots tomorrow night.
I probably won't get anything posted before I leave early on Friday morning but I'll catch up on all of that next week.

Next week, this sweet prototype will be started on:
That picture is courtesy of Samantha Gregory, her sculpting artist.
Since I could not get to Joy this week, Samantha kept her and has been playing with her.
She said that it is SO hard to send her away!  

I can't wait.  What a bundle of perfect chubbiness! 


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