
Monday, July 8, 2013

Prototype Annalisa gets a make over

Remember this little nugget?

That is how she looked before I went to the Down East Doll Show.

Then, while there, she grew hair:

But I wasn't really happy with her colors overall.
So, yesterday, I spent the day giving her more tone and texture as well as adding depth to her hair.

Poor little thing, she looks so sad!  I should not work when my heart is hurting. 
Maybe she needs me to need her.

I will let her cure for a week and then matte her sheen away.  

I have a real question regarding her though:
 OR BLUE???  (click on the pictures to see them full size)
We have a week to figure it out...



  1. I think the blue ones look good...what a sweet baby... :) Just adorable.

  2. Seems like the blue's are voted in! I loved the brown before but I am with the rest of you, the blue is better with her revised skin tone.

    Thank you Faith!

  3. I think the brown look best!

  4. Thank you! That is one vote for brown :)

    My 10 yr old grand girl saw her tonight and instantly fell in love, begging me not to put her on eBay! (She had the blue eyes in). I told her that I HAVE to put her on eBay because she is a prototype. She exclaimed, "that's what you ALWAYS say!".
    Poor baby.
