
Monday, July 22, 2013


I had such a great time with the grandbabies/girl this weekend!
Of course I snapped a few shots during our time together  :)

Only one of Jena turned out.  I took some of her and Remington but they were all dark and I could not restore them.  I was playing with the functions on my camera and well, that setting did not work!
This is 10 year old Jena at the parade on Main Street.
She is so much Grandma's girl!
5 month old Jarrod had a little photo session in my studio!
(It was after these pictures were taken that I needed to play with the settings on my camera.  They didn't turn out very clear.)

But 2 month old Remington's pictures turned out great out at the horse pasture!

 She got to meet Grandpa's horse, Scout.
Fun fun fun!

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