
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Moving forward...

I don't have any new pictures to post today.
I've been working on various tasks to get dolls ready for the show, and mohair too.

I've weighted some bodies and partially assembled dolls.
I DO have a picture to share!  LOL
Isn't this just the cutest toddler bum you ever saw??
I just could not resist!
That is "Suzon's" bum.  I was assembling her and thought, "oh my...what a cute bum!"

That is a really great interpretation of her color too. I've struggled taking pictures of her tone but I do a random shot like this and get perfect color.  

I'm rooting a head. 

 I rooted lashes and brows on a silicone that I had not anticipated getting ready for the show.  He will be bald but I am willing to bring him back and root hair if desired by his adopting mommy.

I have been banding and washing mohair locks in preparation for color.

I've been organizing things I will need to pack.

I'm just plain busy!  From morning until bedtime.  

Have a great day!


  1. What body did you use for her. I have Kristaleta for whom I'd like to get a new body. If you have pictures of the whole body, I'd like to see them;)

  2. I bought this kit from another reborn artist who decided not to reborn it but I am quite sure that the body is the same one that Laura Tuzio-Ross made as I don't recall any difference in the ones that I used on Kristaleta and Suzon prototypes, which were made by Laura.
    Here is a weighting tutorial I posted on those two dolls that show the entire body:
    I hope that helps!
