
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

From frustration to overwhelming joy~When things don't work out as planned.

I had a very specific plan in my mind as I worked on prototype
"A Rose By Any Other Name",
especially her hair.  
I wanted a chocolate brown hair and had some in stock from another seller.  I've had that hair around for a long, long while and I see that hair rooted on many reborns and it does look nice.  

I simply could not root it.  It broke.  It would not stay in the head.  
It would not lay down.

So I went through my personal stock and found some darker brown hair.
~sigh~  Not exactly what I wanted but thought it would look nice with her tone anyway.

I also had a very specific hair style in mind and had lightly painted the direction on her head.

Things were going well until I reached the top of her head and I don't just did not work out as planned.  I still don't have an explanation of what went wrong....well....actually, I do.

I was not happy with the outcome of her hair.  
But, she is getting great responses and even compliments on her hair.  
Everyone has their own tastes and I'm glad she is being liked.  

I was chatting with Kellie Beckett yesterday on Facebook.  
I shared with her my frustration over her hair.
And then she sent me something amazing.  
She sent me this picture:

THAT is Kellie Beckett at 2 months of age.  
(I do have permission to use this picture.)

And this is "A Rose..." prototype:
Other than Kellie's hair was thicker, the style is identical!
I can probably style the hair closer to how Kellie's is on the top. 
I had never seen the picture of Kellie before.

Kellie had brown eyes.  I chose brown eyes for A Rose.
Kellie had darker brown hair...I ended up, against my will, with darker brown hair.  

This really just gives me goose bumps!  

I DO love my work!!!

Tomorrow, I'll share a darling picture story with you.
The custom made outfits for Rose arrived and I let her open the box  :)  


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