
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Back to work!

Ahhhh....sweet, sweet REAL babies.'s time to get back to work.  
We arrived home on Thursday evening and spent Friday and Saturday catching up around home and helping two of our kids that just moved to different homes.

Today will find me back in the nursery.

My plan is to finish up the matting on the little 10" silicone "Pebbles", finish the painting on silicone "Dawson" and continue rooting big head Alasia.

I've been spending the evenings since we've been home rooting her.  My that is a big head!  LOL

I have selected the hair I will use for Pebbles and the "Stephanie" silicone.  
SO many head to root yet...and mohair to process.

Last night, I lay in bed watching myself move around the nursery and home to organize thing for the show.  Sometimes this is helpful to me...but it sure does cause for a lack of sleep!  

In this "mock" activity, I chose the different grades of mohair that I'll be processing for the show.  
Today I'll go and pull those choices from my stock to have them out and ready for the processing steps to begin.  I'll be tucking mohair processing into the few cracks of time that I'll have in the next three weeks.  

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...
Off to work I go!

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