
Monday, February 18, 2013

Eeeek! It's Monday! How about a picture story?

"It sure has been nice here in Eastern Oregon lately.  Hmmm...I wonder if there happens to be any activity going on in the garden....."

"Oh my!  Would you look at that!  I think something IS growing!"

"I better go in for a closer LOOKS like carrots!"

"What's this????".....

"I can't believe my eyes!"

"It's not's CARROT TOPS!"  "Austin and Aubrey, what are you doing in the garden???"

"But feewls wike spwing!"

"So wees wanted to tum out and pway in da warm dirt!"

"It's not so warm yet though....but it won't be long, right Mommy???  Maybe fer now, we wiwl jest has to be your widdle cawwots!"

(Darling outfits and babies hand made by the talented Kellie Beckett)

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