
Sunday, January 13, 2013

New work week

I had two good days off filled with house chores, playing with my new baby and changing a few other babies and making a trip to the city for shopping.

I picked up a GREAT magazine at Costco:
"Where Women Create Business"

It is filled with stories of ladies just like me who create business in unique ways.
It also has a lot of useful tips for building said business.  
I can't wait to read more!

Today will find me processing brown colors of mohair then continuing to paint a brown baby.
How's that for a brown day?  LOL 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi,
    I am interested in taking up Reborning dolls as a full-time job. I'd like to know if it is possible to do Reborning as a full-time career? Can it substitute for an office job or similar? How financially stable is this career?

    Thanks for any input!

  2. Hello there!
    Reborning IS a full-time job but I am afraid that one would have more actual money in a regular job of almost any kind. There are a lot of expenses involved in reborning that one does not have when working for someone else. My reborn business pays for itself and sometimes I have money leftover to add a new doll to my collection or do something special. I have more than just the reborn dolls in my business as I teach, have produced a training DVD, I sell color guides for different skin tones and I process and sell angora mohair to artists around the world. I do travel in my work which my reborn business pays for. I suppose if you do not travel you would do better financially, but you cannot get exposure in this highly competitive business without the travel. I would not be able to pay a rent/ mortgage or feed my family on my reborn doll income. The income is up and down. Some months are very good and others not good at all. It takes years to get established in the field as well as learn and refine your art. I love what I do and I am fortunate to have a husband who supports me both emotionally and financially (takes care of all of my living expenses and occasionally finances large projects for me until the business can pay them off~such as the production of the DVD) but to rely on this type of work to replace a regular job is probably not a wise thing to do.
    I hope this helps!
