
Monday, January 7, 2013

Art and Magic Ethnic reborn progress

This will be a SLOW process!  
All Ethnics are.
This one is just slower since I have never perfected the ethnic tones in air dry paints so I am learning as I go which makes the process even slower.

So here is the blank kit that I coated with Genesis Matte Varnish

And the kit with a layer of the Dark Ethnic with some added blue.  This is all I got done yesterday.  She has no color on her lips and nails yet, just a little shading around the outer edges of the upper lip.
I will continue on today.  :)


  1. Debbie, Try using some linseed oil in your paints ( this will help with the grimy look that seems to happen when working with ethnic tones)

  2. Can I use linseed oil in acrylic paints?
    Yesterday I tried some Windsor and Newton flow medium. I just don't like that stuff! I'm getting there and even revising my color guide as I go. I might be able to come up with one for people to start with then revise after my next Ethnic baby where I have more kinks worked out.

    1. I thought you were using " water soluble oils " sorry about that. You could try Golden Acrylic Flow Release Medium this should help.
      Had a look at your Ethnic baby and she looks great!

  3. Thank you for clarifying that :) Yes, these are Water Borne Acrylic paints, not oil.
    I will look into the Golden. I tried some of the Windsor and Newton Flow Medium the day before yesterday. I simply do not like how it separates from the pigment. Maybe I just don't know how much or little to use.
