
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Funnies! Brittney visits the aquarium

What a wonderful time Brittney and her friend, Stella had visiting the Seaside, Oregon Aquarium

Brittney LOVED the seals and could have stayed there all day watching their adorable antics as they "begged" for fish/food.  Each one had his own way of gaining attention to himself.  Some slapped their chests, some slapped their sides, some got up on the rocks and rolled over, some looked pathetic is if they never get any fish and some splashed the water.

Safe from getting wet (one DOES get wet when going into the area where you can throw purchased fish to the seals!), Brittney waits for a seal to come closer...

 And there he is!  One DID come to see her!
Stella wants to see too!

 The seal says, "Pick me!  Pick me!  I want fish too!"

This one really made me giggle.  He thought he was pretty tricky looking at me backwards.  Yes, it DID earn him a fish!
The girls had a wonderful time with the hands-on, interactive displays in the aquarium.
 Brittney loved how the starfish felt:
 And Stella thought the hermit crabs were amazing!
(Notice the funny looks from the by-standers?  This is common for people who choose not to ask about the dolls.  Those who ask, always smile!)
 "Dees cwabs is so widdle and fast!"

This octopus was available for a very close up look.  He was quite cool!
And I caught this awesome shot of him swimming!
Have you ever seen a Halibut fish??  
WOW!  He is all sideways!  LOL
You can see both his eyes on the top of his head, above his mouth.  You would think that there would be an eye on each side of him, one on top where this open one is and one on the other side that is laying flat against the bottom of the tank but no, the side that is flat against the tank bottom is totally IS the bottom of him and he swims just like you see him resting here.  SO VERY ODD!

All the tanks were a joy to peek into. 
 But you gotta watch these little ones....
They might want to get a little closer and stand up in their strollers...
 Much safer!
And look at all these fish she saw!

I don't know why we do it, but we always love to take our "kids" into the gift shop after a visit to places of interest.  
Oh the pressure from them to buy something!
Brittney really loved this seal...
 The octopus was pretty cool too...
 Hmm..maybe a seagull? 
 Stella enjoyed the baby book...
 And the bright red crab.
I caved and Brittney brought home the seal.
What a terrific time at the aquarium!

Afterwards, we walked back down the boardwalk and found this lovely garden that I thought would make a beautiful setting to take Stella's pictures in.  She is such a colorful, precious girl!
Then we all enjoyed swinging on the beach swings.
(Stella looks like her tummy might tickle a bit too much!)
Brittney giggled in glee!
To end our outing, we stopped by the shark exhibit were Brittney insisted that we take more pictures.
I'm glad that she did.  This picture is a great profile picture!
FUN in the SUN!

1 comment:

  1. Debbie,
    You have an AMAZING talent with your babies and camera! Brittney is just TO cute! I especially LOVE the last photo....awesome job! I hope to come to next year's Down East Doll Show. My schedule this year was just to busy and I was very dissapointed, but am planning for next year! Plus,it will be much closer since it is in Durham and I am about 20 minutes away, so I am keeping my fingers crossed!Please keep on making beautiful reborns!
    North Carolina
