
Friday, August 17, 2012

Sharing my collection Friday~Bad to the Bone baby!

Matthew the Little Cowboy has a wild streak....

He loves Harley Davidson Motorcycles!  

That picture was take at Down Town Disney in 2009.  I had borrowed the little hat from the Harley Davidson store there in order to take the picture.  I really wanted to buy it, but at that time I could not afford it.  

I'd been hoping to buy one ever since.  While I was walking around during my lay-over in Chicago headed for Ohio, I just happened to see a Harley Davidson shop.

Yep, I was finally able to make a purchase!  :)

The Little Cowboy was delighted!
As you see, he not only got the hat...he got a onsie as well!

This hat is not the same one that we borrowed years ago but he likes it just as well.

So where is Tamara in all this?  I mean, Matthew has been down at the Gallery in his high chair and has been entertaining Molly in the dining room in his cool high chair so she has been without her man for quite a while.

Well, she seems quite happy having taken over Matthew's rocking horse and playing with her new toy!

Cute little Cow/Harley kids!

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