
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How's that new schedule going?

Since I've been back from the 2012 Down East Doll Show, I have been working JUST the 40 hour week in the nursery (actually mostly in mohair but I'm about to the end of this round of hair and will finish up toay~oh my aching body!) and balancing the rest of my week/time on taking care of my home, family animals and me. 

When I compare the nursery work to what I used to get done, I feel like I have gotten nowhere.
But when I look at my whole life in balance, I smile.  :)  And I realize that I HAVE gotten things done in the nursery, and I've done it well. 

The next couple of weeks will be a whirlwind, but I am nearly ready for it.
Next Thursday, I leave for the 2nd annual "Cowgirl Convention" where a group of my horse loving friends and I take our horses and camp for 4 days in the mountains of Oregon where the wild horses roam.  The only males allowed on the trip are our trusty steeds and...
He is already all packed and anxious to see his Cowgirl Aunties again.

I'll return home that following Sunday and have two days to get finished up and packed up for my trip to Ohio for the Sauder Village Doll and Teddy Bear Show 

My sister is going to come to the show from Eastern Ohio and take me to her house for a couple of days after the show.  I have not seen her for 14 years!  THAT will be great!

When I return home, I will have 2 days before I pick up my 9 yr old grand girl for our annual 2 week summer visit.  We have many things planned  :)  

Then I'll take her home and have a few days before the Portland, OR Labor Day Doll and Teddy Bear show.  

Sounds like fun to me! 


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