
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kellie Beckett's FIRST vinyl kit! Prototype is here :)

I am so looking forward to creating this sweet little girl, Shy.

She is the prototype of Kellie Beckett's first vinyl reborn kit.

She will be approximately 12 inches long and takes a 12 mm eye.

Here is her blank prototype kit:

Don't mind her dress.  It's a bit small for her but it's all I had to show her off in. 
Oh boy!  I get to go little dollie clothing shopping!

I am nearly packed for Ohio and took all of the needed pictures of the newest, finished babies.

Maybe I'll have a little peek for you in the morning. 

If not, I'll see you when I get back!


Monday, July 30, 2012

Matthew had a blast at the Cowgirl Camp!

The little Cowboy is delighted that he is the only boy allowed in camp...except for the male horses of course!

It was time for a little nap in the tent:

One of the best pictures I have ever taken of Toby, my 30 year old gelding:
 What  cowhorse!  :)

And what a little Cowboy riding his Cowhorse!
Oh my goodness, I had such a great time!

Now, time to get ready to leave for Ohio!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

2nd Annual Cowgirl Convention

Toby, Matthew and I are off to the mountains
Where the deer and wild horses roam...

I'm not sure if I will have time to blog when I return before I leave for Ohio
but I'm sure I'll be taking some pictures for posting later.
(Sorry, I did not get pictures of the new Create A Babies...Created but they are SO cute!)

Have a great week or two!




Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Two painted hair heads

Of course I can critique them and know that I can get better and better but here are the two heads I painted hair on this week.

The first is on the Celebration of Life Emily:

And the second head is a little Jessica Schenk triplet, Tallulah:

The Emily head had been textured with Genesis Satin Varnish before painted and both heads are painted with LDC paints mixed with Liquitex Ultra Matte Gel.

I'll be purchasing some new brushes so that the next heads are even better.  

Look at these three sweet darlings:

Three new little Create A Babies...Created!
They will get assembled today and be ready for the show at Sauder Village.

One more little doll to finish the artwork on and all the babies will be complete for the show.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Ever have those days where you just don't know what to share??

I have many things in the works but no pictures to share...yet.  

My mind is in a million different directions as hubby and son plan a camp out with the camp trailer and I plan one with the horse trailer, tent and horse!

But I did work all day yesterday and am working all day today.  

OH! I know something to share.

When I grow up I want to paint hair just like this:

Isn't that just gorgeous?!?! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Create A Baby...Created! NEW LINE!

I have completed my first "Create A Babies...Created!" for the new line I will be adding to my website.  

Please meet Keaton!

Isn't she JUST adorable???

She was so much fun to create and didn't take much time.  Here are two photos of her with one of the original Create A Baby dolls:

 I will be carrying both the original Create A Baby dolls on my website as well.  

The price points on these dolls are:
$65 for the un-assembled version (where you can create your own by putting them together)
$75 for the assembled version and 
$150 for the enhanced version.

These are nice, inexpensive "reborn" dolls.

I have a page up on my website regarding these dolls but they won't be for sale until after at least the Sauder Village show in August.

Enjoy the rest of the pictures of Keaton!

Enjoy Monday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sharing my Collection Friday~Matthew's new toy!

I was quite busy this week but I could not help walking by and grinning at Matthew who was sitting in his high chair with his new "Woody" toy.  

I think he likes it and I sure do like him!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How's that new schedule going?

Since I've been back from the 2012 Down East Doll Show, I have been working JUST the 40 hour week in the nursery (actually mostly in mohair but I'm about to the end of this round of hair and will finish up toay~oh my aching body!) and balancing the rest of my week/time on taking care of my home, family animals and me. 

When I compare the nursery work to what I used to get done, I feel like I have gotten nowhere.
But when I look at my whole life in balance, I smile.  :)  And I realize that I HAVE gotten things done in the nursery, and I've done it well. 

The next couple of weeks will be a whirlwind, but I am nearly ready for it.
Next Thursday, I leave for the 2nd annual "Cowgirl Convention" where a group of my horse loving friends and I take our horses and camp for 4 days in the mountains of Oregon where the wild horses roam.  The only males allowed on the trip are our trusty steeds and...
He is already all packed and anxious to see his Cowgirl Aunties again.

I'll return home that following Sunday and have two days to get finished up and packed up for my trip to Ohio for the Sauder Village Doll and Teddy Bear Show 

My sister is going to come to the show from Eastern Ohio and take me to her house for a couple of days after the show.  I have not seen her for 14 years!  THAT will be great!

When I return home, I will have 2 days before I pick up my 9 yr old grand girl for our annual 2 week summer visit.  We have many things planned  :)  

Then I'll take her home and have a few days before the Portland, OR Labor Day Doll and Teddy Bear show.  

Sounds like fun to me! 


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Shy" prototype by Kellie Beckett!!

It is with GREAT excitement that I share that Kellie Beckett 
(creator of my little red-headed twins, Austin and Aubrey)
has her first vinyl reborn kit coming out soon (produced by Petra's Dolls) and I have been chosen to reborn one of the prototypes!

She is going to be approximately 14 inches in length and cute as a button!
Here are some pictures of her clay sculpt:

When I began collecting and reborning, I didn't think I would like smaller dolls like Shy.  
I saw no reason to expend the energy to reborn a doll this size.  However, it did not take long until I first tried my hand at a "crib cap" size as we called them back then.  Once I did...I fell in love!
I have many dolls this size in my collection and they are one of my favorite sizes to reborn.

This is going to be fun!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reborning DVD comments/compliments

Several people have written to me to express how much the TNGUN Reborning DVD has helped them, but this new artist really covered her feelings on the DVD very well.

So I thought I would share  :)  

Dear Debbie,
There are not enough words in English to describe my utmost appreciation of your OUTSTANDING DVD! I got it just before I started to root and assemble my first doll and just can't tell you how much it was helpful! I have seen several different DVD courses, but trust me: your one can't be compared in any way to those!!!! It is so detailed, and you are not just showing the beginning of each step and giving freedom to the people to complete it by themselves the way they think it is good, but you show each step from the very beginning to the very end, explaining the purpose of it, describing any problems we could face, telling us, which tools, glues etc. to use.   This is the most important and helpful reborning tool I bought and I am really happy and grateful to you for all your effort and courage in filming and compiling this DVD course!!! My first reborn doll Jan (he reminds me of a Scandinavian baby) was rooted and assembled thanks to your wonderful DVD. Although I am currently using Genesis paints,  I'm dying to start my next baby using your color mixing technique - it is useful for any paint, not just LDC, as I have experienced. Thanks a lot, Debbie!!!
Many hugs,

Katia is from Russia and has confirmed that the DVD DOES play in foriegn countries.

Here are pictures of Katia's first reborn:

 Did you catch that she painted her baby using Genesis Heat Set Paints yet used my LDC color guides to help her mix the skin tones?  This delights me to no end that the color guides help Genesis users as well!

Katia gets an A++!  Jan is a beautiful baby!

Another customer is a young lady who is currently making her first reborn using the DVD.
A photo of her in her workspace was shared that just warms my heart!

The DVD's can be ordered from these places:


I will have the DVD's at the Sauder Village Doll and Teddy Bear show August 4-5 in Sauder Village, Ohio.  Stop by my table to see it playing!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Revelation of Character"

With the release of my blog post the other day regarding Karen Feagin Dudin, many artists have come forward with their story regarding this buyer.

The communications between this buyer and the sellers have been very similar in context.  
I am simply amazed at how similar they are, and my heart breaks for these sellers.

Karen Feagin Dudin has mentioned the term "Defamation of Character" as a crime that I committed.
I'm sorry.  Her words, typed by her, cannot charge me with Defamation of Character.  There are no gray areas within the emails.  None at all.  Just the facts as they played out.

From The Free Dictionary:
Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
I do believe that  the emails with her words created a "Revelation of Character" and sellers need to stay clear of this buyer. 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Sharing my collection Friday~DOUBLE trouble!

At the Down East Doll Show, I found these terrific Fisher Price toys and gave them to my twins, Aubrey and Austin to play with.  Aubree and Austin are 10 inches long.

Aubrey loves the ring stacker and Austin loves the blocks.
He even stacked them himself!
 Aubree sees something inside the shape ball so comes in for a closer look:
 She is wondering how to get those shapes out of there!
 Austin is still delighted to play with the blocks and begins stacking them in a wider stack:
 And then...
"OH MY GOSH Aubrey!  That was not nice!"
Poor Austin is so upset that Aubrey knocked down his stack of blocks.
 So I put Aubrey in "time out" and allowed Austin to be the first one to play with the bubble popper.
 He thinks that is pretty neat too!
 And it appears that he forgot about the block incident.
 Aubrey does not look too upset in her "time out".
 After all that playing and activity, it's time for bed.
Oh dear, they still look pretty riled up!
 "Lullabye and goodnight...."
(Looking sleepy and sucking their thumbs)
 "Sleep tight little babies..."