
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cheap reborn babies?

I cannot tell you how many times that question gets asked of me from the contact section of my website....

"Where can I find cheap reborn dolls?"

My first unspoken reaction is always, "you get what you pay for" and "Cheap?!?!?!"

Most want a reborn for under $100, shipped.

Well, to date I had no where to send people to where I know they could get a decent reborn for that price.

Last night, an acquaintance of mine announced her new business,
"Create a Baby" On Doll Fan.

You can see them on their
Facebook Page 


I think these dolls are CUTE! The first two, sculpted by Bonnie Brown are shown on the pages above. I know a lot of little girls who would love these as well as teens, young adults and even older adults! What a great idea!

What really excites me about these is that they look really good! Most manufactured dolls don't resemble babies very much. To me these look more realistic.

Am I worried about the reborn art industry with the announcement and availability of these dolls? No, not at all. We need dolls that fit every person and every budget and there are still many collectors out there that appreciate and seek after the artist reborn doll.

I am really tempted to stock these on my website....

I do carry limited stock of the manufactured kit as well as my enhanced versions of these sweet babies:
Create a Babies...Created! 

I will add more as soon as I have them.  I hope to have a good stock of the enhanced babies for Christmas 2012.


  1. OMG thank you so very much for the plug Debbie it sure means a lot. I am only able to offer these beautiful babies because I have the best of the best newborn baby sculptors working with me. I now cant wait to see the faces on all the new mommies :)

    Thanks again Tanya
    Create A Baby

    1. how much is it to creat a reborn

    2. How much are the reborns.?
      & where can i see pictures.

    3. You can follow a link on the Create a Baby manufactured kits on my website page or in the links above.
      You can see the enhanced versions that I have made also on my website:

    4. how much can i buy for 20 pounds
      please my daughter really wants a reborn doll but ive only got 20 pouds

    5. Anonymous, the best advice I can give you is to buy your daughter a quality Berenguer Baby doll at a local supermarket such as Walmart. Good luck!

  2. i wish i could have a reborn but my parents say noooo way maybe one day someone will get me or make me one

    1. Hi I really want to sell my reborn she is very cheap she is about 50 shipped if you want her you can have her she comes with a pram lots of clothes and accesories she is closed eyed and ginger rooted hair she is "21 inch and 5lb please contact me urgently

    2. It's my birthday in six days I really love it for my birthday I could pay you in January please I'm begging you I'd make you my birthday miracle I'm going to be fifteen by the way I'd take care of him or her With all of my heart.

    3. Okay ladies, I don't know how you are going to work this out since both of you are commenting as "Anonymous". You will need to share your emails to be able to get ahold of each other. If you'd feel better not having your emails for all to see, each of you can email me at, tell me what your are writing about and I will hook you both up. Little gal that is having the birthday soon, you can't ask people to send you things before you pay. You might need to wait to receive your birthday gift in January. Good things come to those who wait :) Good luck ladies!

    4. maybe you should try searching reborn giveaway on youtube or go to ebay or search cheap reborns

  3. Maybe you should ask your parents if you can learn to make one and make one yourself. You will feel very proud of your accomplishment and will cherish your doll more than if someone just gave you one, which is not very likely to happen as they are a lot of work. Best of luck Sweetie!

  4. These are all so beutiful, i love these dolls

  5. How can i buy one of these beautiful dolls.
    I even tried dollfans and i cant seem to find out where to buy it.

  6. I have some kits for sale and also have one that is "enhanced". You can see him here:
    I will have more enhanced babies for the holiday season.
    If you would like a kit, please email me at and we'll get you set up.

  7. I want a reborn but I have to pay for it and they are SOO cute so yea and also yes

  8. I like the babies from stillmomentsnursery on youtube because, they look so realistic.How can I find a little baby boy that looks like these for cheap?

    1. you can't. they are expensive and expecting people to just hand out out or sell it cheap is pretty much an insult to the artist. none of us were given things just for the heck of it. most people earn what they have. work hard for it. or make it themselves.

  9. OMG i wanna make one but im worried i will mess it up. ive been wanting one forever and i can't afford one so all i can do is just look at pictures of them.

  10. Still Moment's Nursery is a good artist and she spends a lot of times making her dolls so you won't find one LIKE that for cheap. I'm sorry. It simply takes a lot of time and money to make them so realistic and they can't be made cheap.
    Looking at them online is a wonderful way to get some eye candy! I'm glad you can enjoy that too. :)
    Dolly hugs,

  11. I cant afford a reborn because Im ten years old but I have three ashton drake dolls but I want one of your dolls !!! I just wish I had alot of money!!

    1. I know i am ten to and i only have like 30 dollars

    2. i am an older lady. i have one very small mini i recently bought. i decided to start making them.
      one thing i do, is to look at dolls on ebay. i save pictures of them, so i can study them and enjoy them later. i can't afford to buy them all or even a few. i can enjoy them very, very much by saving their pictures. i also read all i can about reborning babies. you can find kits for around 30.00 to 40.00 dollars. you can collect a body later, eyes if you need them and then paints. a few at a time until you can try reboring one for yourself. watch the tutorial and study the PDFs. there is so much information out there, and Debbie is so kind to help here. you really can make one but take your time and save your money if you really want one.
      good luck

    3. Thank you for your words of wisdom! It is true, one CAN make it happen even if it takes a while to get all of the components together. :)

  12. Danielle, did you know that my "Create a Babies...Created" line are sweet reborns for the same price as the Ashton Drake dolls? How exciting is that?
    Christmas is coming...have you made your list yet?
    Take care sweetie.

  13. I am in love with reborns myself and I am 47 They are expensive, but well worth the money once you have saved up your money to adopt one. I now have 10 because I am so inlove with the little wee ones. Young lady who wants a reborn, save your money and then adopt your forever baby. Debbie your babies are precious, I will be comming to you soon myself to adopt again. Thank you ladies, dolly hugs xo

  14. I wish I could have one they are so so cute

  15. Ive wanted a reborn doll ever since i was 7 and im 17 now. my goal is to get one maybe someday. i dont care if im 50. i will get one someday:] just got to have a positive attitude you can do anything if you put your mind to it!

  16. I really want a Reborn but cant find a sleeping one with a magnetic mouth

  17. Hi Kyrstin,
    Really? There are lots of reborns out there with sleeping eyes and magnetic pacifiers. Or are you talking about the Create a Baby reborns?

  18. I,ve really have wanted a reborn for like ever! I love them i just think all reborns are CUTE !!!!!!!!

  19. Hey i really want a reborn Caleb by Heather Boneham how much would you charge me my email is

    1. I am sorry to tell you that I do not do custom reborns. I hope you find your artist soon!
      Merry Christmas!

  20. This is where I got mine.

  21. I am placing my first reborn.I am super excited!! So glad my friend shared your blog with me.Your tutorials are great! I have made other dolls,working on a dorothy doll now.But have never tried a reborn.Debbie your work is awesome and I plan on learning and keep on learning with your tutorials. Thanks for being the person you are.God has blessed you in many ways..Alice

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write Alice! That is so sweet of you :)
      It is people like you who keep me going.
      Bless your heart!

  22. i want one but i dont want to spend over 100 dollars/:

  23. Hi, I have heard about the dolls you make, but I don't see any pictures of them, and that makes me wonder if we get what we pay for. And also I would like to know your price range. Do you send to North America?

    1. Hi Janelle,
      Please help me out here. Are you talking about the Create a Babies...Created dolls that I make or my regular reborns?
      I have loads of pictures of my dolls here on my blog, on my website, and on my Facebook business page. This reply box is not good for sharing links but I can direct you to those if you would like to see more to help answer your question.
      With my dolls, you definitely get what you pay for. I use only my own pictures and I have taken many photography classes to help me learn how to take the clearest, brightest pictures to advertise the doll I am selling.
      I hope that helps...please write again :)

  24. Where is the best place to buy a really good realistic two month old reborn :)

    1. Well, I make very realistic babies :)
      That said, the best thing to do is to watch the eBay auctions, especially refining your search to "highest price first" as there you will find more of the the dolls that have the most realistic details. That is how I shop on eBay when looking for a new doll to add to my collection.
      Always research your sellers before you buy and know that the most realistic dolls don't come cheap. Occasionally you can find gorgeous dolls for less, especially on the secondary market but you have to do a lot of looking.
      I hope that helps!

  25. I want one of these soo bad, been wanting one for years but there is no way I will ever be able to afford one of these with my low income. :( those of you who have these babies are really lucky!

    1. God bless you. I hope your dream comes true some day!
      Merry Christmas

    2. if you go with bountiful baby, they often have kits as low as 14$, but you have to watch for it. the initial starter kit will cost just over a hundred usually. so save your pennies, if you drink soda, save the cans and recycle (or dont drink the soda and save money). i have a stash of dolls now and i have never paid full price for them. i dont get the latest and greatest dolls, but i know my limits. but i do get great dolls from bountiful baby and they are great to work with. good luck to you.

    3. GREAT advice~thank you!
      All things are possible if we set our minds to it and do know our limits...and be content within them :)

    4. at one time in my life, i wanted something very much for my daughter and i did not have enough money for it. i took on extra work and i asked friends if they had bottles and cans they were just putting out in the recycle bin that i could collect. i didn't feel all that great doing the collecting but, i would collect about 25.00 a week doing it and that was over 15 years ago. if you want something bad enough, you can work for it.
      best of luck. and btw, i was able to do what i set out to do, send my daughter on a sponsored trip to the UK.

    5. This is so very, very true. Dreams CAN happen if one puts their hope and faith in that dream and takes even the smallest steps towards it. Sending a daughter to the UK had to cost more than a reborn baby doll...that only proves that it CAN be done if even in small but dedicated steps. Congratulations to you and thank you for the words.

    6. I am greatly amazed with your dolls I was told to save up my money to buy one what is the lowest offer for a doll with a magnetic pacifier and fun to play with

    7. Thank you Brianna and good for you for saving your money up for a doll! You will achieve your dreams! My Simple Treasures and Kid's Corner dolls come and go without a schedule. The best thing to do is to follow my Facebook page (They Never Grow Up Nursery dolls by Debbie Henshaw) as well as email me at to be added to the email notification list so that you are notified when dolls are available for adoption. At the moment, there isn't a chance of me having any until winter time.
      Take care and keep up the good work!

  26. I am getting ready to reborn my first doll and have really enjoyed watching your videos. I bought my 24yo daughter with Cerebral Palsy (she desperately wants to marry and have a child, so until then.. ) an Ashton Drake baby for Christmas, and while she's beautiful, she doesn't have the realism I'm wanting for my daughter. I watched on eBay and got my kit, got my paints and stuff on Amazon, etc. I don't have the money to get everything all at once, so next pay period I plan to get her body and glass beads for weighting, and so on and so forth until I get this baby built. I've been watching tutorials galore on YouTube! I wanted yours but will have to wait as $49 isn't in the budget yet. My point is, is I really want to do this baby for my handicapped daughter, so I will do a little at a time until she is "born". It is possible if you really want it. Even if you have to do it in increments, whether that means saving for an adoption or for creating your own. I know the wait is hard as we all want instant gratification but it can be done. Much love and hope is going out to those who are waiting like my daughter Bethany.

    1. Candy, thank you so much for encouraging others to plan, save, purchase when they can and wait for their very special doll. That is all that it takes!
      Good luck on creating your baby and remember, I have FREE tutorials right here on the blog :)

  27. I've always wanted a reborn but I don't have enough money. As birthdays and Christmas has passed year after year the wish quietly sits in the back of my mind. Maybe one day I will have one but until then that tiny wish will sit in my mind. When I pass by the baby section I stop and look realizing that I don't have a child or a reborn and just keep walking. Maybe one day. Maybe one day.

    1. Yes, one day...maybe one day. Wishes and dreams do come true if you hold them dear and press on toward the goal.
      I was 38 when the first doll came to me to start my collection. She was a manufactured Berenguer play doll. I believe I was nearly 40 when my first reborn came to live with me. Hold tight to your dreams!

  28. Hi Debbie I've wanted a reborn for about a year now and you and all the comments have told me to follow you're dreams and work hard for what you want thank you-xoxo
