
Friday, February 17, 2012

Saying goodbye to a great artist, Bonnie Chyle

Normally my Bonnie Chyle babies are very happy....

But recently we learned that their creating artist passed away in January and today...

they and we mourn.

Rest in peace Bonnie Chyle.
The love you shared with us will live on.


  1. Such sweet pictures of your little ones mourning the loss of their creator. RSP Bonnie. You will be missed.

  2. Thank you for such kind words for my sister. Her work reflected her personality. A very sweet and loving soul she had. The many smiles that came upon the faces of who saw her work. A great woman with the grace, charm and talent are lost. But her memory will forevery stay.

  3. Hello Nancy,
    Your visit to my blog brings tears to my eyes...maybe tears I have held back until now. My, and our thoughts are with you and your family.
    Bonnie touched so many of us who she did not even know, in so many ways. She has made us laugh and has brought out creativity in us that will live on forever. I simply cannot imagine what a blessing it was to have her as a sister! She must have brought your family such joy. She has left a legacy, not only for her family but for her doll family all over the world.
    I'd like to share with you a topic on a forum called Doll Fan. Maybe you have already browsed it but in case you have not, it will make you smile. We have posted many of our Bonnie Chyle babies and have shared stories. Bonnie's babies have showed up in a LOT of picture stories as they are always "up to something"! Such little characters they are!
    Enjoy the read and thank you for taking time to pop in. Many, many heartfelt hugs from me and on behalf of the doll community.

  4. Hello Debbie, My sister Nancy told me about your site you have. Thank you so much for your kind words about our sister Bonnie. I haven't had a chance to go through it all yet. This really touched my heart. I was fortunate to fly out to North Dakota on the 4th of January and was with her for her last days. We were so very close to each other.She touched so many hearts and brought so much joy and love to people around the world. She had brightened so manys lives with her many expressionable dolls.Not only with her dolls, but the love she had given to many people as well. She was always loving, kind and a gentle person and always giving and making people happy. I remember you being one of her customers, and that you love her dolls. I miss her so much it hurts. I look forward to browsing your site and seeing your beautiful babies that you had reborn. The ones I did see are so awesome!! xox Nellie Beardslee

  5. Hello Nellie,
    I am just so touched that you and Nancy would visit my blog to share about Bonnie's love. I can tell you this, she was one lucky sister too! God bless!
    I walked into the nursery the other day and I am just certain that Sweet Pickles (who used to be the manufactured "Ducky" sculpt) was praying, thanking God for giving us Bonnie while we had her and for taking her into Heaven to live with Him forever. Sweet Pickles is the nurturer in my group of babies~such a sweet, sweet spirit she has.
    I never had the blessing of personally meeting Bonnie or talking to her on the phone but many of my doll friends had. I shall see her one day in Glory though!
    Thank you so much for dropping by. Please do visit again.
    Many hugs,

    1. Hi Aunt bonnie was a sweet, polite and pleasent person. Aunt bonnie started making dolls out of cloth. She then proceeded to make dolls out of resin and clay. Over the years she made dolls of her family and friends. She made a doll of me, (tonya marie). I was speechless and so honored to actually have a doll made to look like me. Aunt bonnie made dolls of her family members and friends. There all so incredibly created with heartfelt love, for both the doll and the person she sculpted from clay. Aunt bonnie recieved dotty awards for a couple of her dolls. I'm so proud of my aunt, shes touched peoples lives, made them smile and shared her love. It's not just her dolls that i remember, its the kindness of her voice, her laugh, her hugs, her polite manner and peaceful presence and most of all the huge abundance of love of her family and friends. RIP aunt bonnie. I love you with all my heart.

  6. Thank you for your insightful comment Tonya. I love hearing from Bonnie's family and enjoy learning more about her.
    God bless you!

  7. Hi Nancy, Sorry to hear about Bonnie. I have lots of her babies. I have one that was sculpted by her sister. Do you sculpt the babies or know who may have sculpted this little one I have? She is about twelve inches long. Thanks, God Bless your family!

    1. I hope that Nancy or Nellie see this and can answer your question about your 12 inch baby.
      As far as I know, Nellie did some sculpting (I have one of her silicone dolls that I am going to repaint), but I am not sure how much sculpting she did.

    2. Nellie, Vickie, Mona, and Nancy (now passed), have sculpted beautiful dolls for sale. Nellie Beardslee has made dolls that has sold successfully in the European market.

  8. Hi i have seen her artwork on the baby yeti and fell in love with it, but no where can i find the actual one, can anyone please tell me the name of the kit that was used to make her, i fell in love with her and it is breaking my heart to not be able to find one, please help.

    regards, Nightdancer

  9. Gosh, I sure hope you find Yeti! I had not heard of this one before but will sure keep my eyes out for you!

  10. Are there any of these babies for sale? I have her larger dolls.

    1. Oh no, I am so sorry. These babies, and the Bonnie Chyle dolls that I have added since will never be fore sale. My heart would simple break wide open!
      How wonderful to have the larger dolls! Up to what size did she make? I now have some tiny OOAK clay babies of hers too and some silicones including the only micro-preemie silicone that she ever made.
      Dolly hugs,
