
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye Bye 2011, hello 2012!

We all say it...

"I can't believe it's the New Year."

So I don't need to repeat it! LOL


2011 was a very busy year for me and it went very fast.

My goals, as I remember them, were to get all the babies done on my custom order list to allow more time to reborn some sculpts I had purchased that I was anxious to get to; to spend more time with family, friends and on social events; to write more picture stories; to have several Simple Treasures and Kids Corner! babies available at Christmas; to make small tutorial videos to post on my blog; and to produce my DVD.

Let's see how I did:

There is just one more custom baby on the list to begin next week. It is a portrait baby. This delay is my fault as I agreed to take on the Lotte Prototype so I bumped this custom to January. Almost made that goal! :) I think I reborned 6 sculpts outside of the prototype and custom order list.

I think that time spent with family was slightly better this year than last year so that is progress. I am looking forward to even more time in 2012 and I really want to ride my horses more this year.

I miss being able to go for coffee or lunch with girlfriends. I remember one morning out with a girlfriend for coffee in 2011. Really failed on the time with friends and social events!

Hmmm, I didn't do too well on the picture stories. I did write the one for Discover Dolls and am currently working on another one for them. I have fully enjoyed the time spent on these.

I made two Simple Treasures dolls this year, but it was early on in the year. I just didn't have the time to make any more or any kids dolls for Christmas.

I DID make small tutorials, but I didn't have time to edit them or figure out how to post them.

And I DID record a reborning video! It is still in the editing process and I am thrilled to have filmed it!

So, all the goals remain the same for 2012 and I feel confident that they will be reached this year.

At this moment there are no new prototypes in the nursery (except for Lotte who will be going on eBay either tomorrow or Monday) so for January, my focus will be on doing the custom portrait, processing mohair and going to IDEX 2012. IF I have relaxed time to do it (meaning I don't want to be stressed out in order to get it done), I will make myself a new baby to enter into the Tiny Treasures contest at IDEX. I try to make myself one new doll each year and I didn't get it done in 2011.

Sincere thanks go out to my wonderful customers who continue love my babies and mohair, to my family for their patience and love and to my friends for always being there to support me and help me.

I love you all!

Happy New Year!

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