
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hey it's good to be back home again~PHOTOS!

Hello again! I am home! As much as I enjoyed Missouri and my time there, I am delighted to be back in Oregon...I really missed it! We have snow in places left over from a good snow storm on Nov. 5th. The mountains have much snow. Ahhhh...winter!

I decided to show the photos that I took in sections and thought that you would be most anxious to see the Huggy Bear reborns first.

Here is the progression of both boys:

The babies are now painted in these pictures. Mine is on the left (with the wrong eyes in so they don't fit~that gets changed later) and Dianna's in on the right. The painting of the eyes needs to be done last, after hair is rooted. And we never did have time for her to do that :( She will be making a video of reborn eye painting as she finishes Huggy Bear. I can't wait to see!

Dianna's Huggy Bear:

She really did a beautiful job. She gave him some lightly painted hair to use as her guide. She was following a photo of her grandson whom this sculpt was sculpted after:

Both boys:

My Huggy Bear's right hand holding Dianna's Huggy Bear left hand:

Dianna rooting in the middle of the night~it was after 1 am in this picture, day three of rooting. She fell asleep right there where she sat about 15 min after I took this picture. This is the only picture I have of either of us. We were so busy and didn't have anyone around who had time to take pics plus we worked late into the nights too. In the 6 days that we spend reborning, we worked 84 hours each!

Dianna finished rooting her Huggy Bear the morning I was leaving. Here he is!

He is so sweet!

Dianna did a fantastic job on her first ever rooting! She had been studying rooting and hair lines for quite some time in anticipation of this class. Self study is always an added bonus to reborning.

And here is my Huggy Bear with his proper eyes. He is "finished" in these photos but I have some tweaking to do on him. Things that are not as excellent as I like due to trying to get him reborn in just 6 days. Dianna and I decided that Master reborning is not for sissies! LOL It takes a lot of dedication, time and attention to details. I will never attempt to reborn a Master Artist doll in such a short amount of days again!

Both boys with hair. Dianna's Huggy Bear is not on his body. Mine is but the company sent the wrong body so I need to order a new one for him as this one is a little long:

I am sure that Dianna will share pictures of her Huggy Bear when she finishes the eyes. I will then share here :)

Awe, even though much of our time together was kindof drudgery due to the LONG hours (about 14 hours per day of actual reborning) we had a really good time together. Some day I will go back again so that we can play dollies (something we were both so tempted to do!) And see more of Missouri.

Dianna has a lot of natural ability in reborning (duh!) and has some great ideas to experiment with. She LOVES using the Matte Varnish as a primer/first coat before painting. Of course she taught me a thing or two, which is normal whenever I teach anybody as this art is ever changing with new ideas evolving all of the time.

Tomorrow~if I have time (massive laundry day in prep for yet another running event for my family on Saturday~we have to leave at 4 in the morning on Sat. to get there in time!) I will post photo's of The Doll Studio which is the business you find Dianna's porcelain dolls at.

Then I will share the rest of the studio building and then the mold making business called "Expressions" where Dianna's molds can be purchased. The Huggy Bear vinyl kit will soon be added to Expressions for purchase.

Until then, have a great day!


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