
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Genesis Heat Set mediums

I thought it was just me that was struggling with Genesis Matte Varnish lately. The last two jars I have purchased were super thick, not even able to stir it into a soft gel as in the past. It is unusable unless thinned with Genesis Thinning Gel as I have had to do. I am not happy about this as I am not sure how matte the thinning gel will stay. I KNOW that when Genesis products are mixed with odorless thinners, the finish becomes shiny over time. I don't use odorless thinners.

Come to find out that many artist are having problems with all of the Genesis medium, from thinning gel down to glazing gel. And the mediums are not mixing up properly with odorless thinners as they have in the past.

The Genesis company is telling retailers that their products were never intended to use on vinyl anything, let alone dolls. Of course I know that but I have enjoyed the use of their matte varnish until now.

I used a product called Delta All Purpose air dry Sealer on three dolls in the past year. I had a love/hate relationship with the sealer and finally threw a big ole bottle of it away! I might have to purchase it again and refine my technique of it's use. I have seen all three dolls since they were adopted and all three still looked wonderful. It's a pain to use as it does dry very fast but it is easy to touch up.

I did get the Dimples sculpt coated with matte varnish yesterday. I'll see how she looks this morning before I begin painting. Wish me luck!


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