
Sunday, October 23, 2011

I'm back, rested and ready to work! Show pics!

Oh I had SO much fun!

Here is what typically happens when me and my room mate friends get to our hotel rooms when we take a trip together.....we bust out the baby dolls and PLAY!

This time, my close friend Sally was my room mate. She is fussing with her new baby here.

And then Miss Susan (Sweet and Sassy prototype) tried on her new hat and booties...she was DELIGHTED with the Jackalope booties!

Later in the evening, there was a dolly clothing swap in the room of other gals and Susan just had a grand ole time!

Too cute!

This is Sally's new Michelle Fagan baby~SO ADORABLE!

On the way to the Puyallup Crossroads Doll and Teddy Bear show! The theme was "wear pink" in honor of our "sisters" who have battled breast cancer. Sally's outfit was wonderful!! She knows how to think PINK!

Me...not so pink! Sally added to my outfit by loaning me the pink scarf!

On Saturday of the show, they were running a hat contest. Sally's hat was just so charming!

AND she added pink to it!

Look at this amazing hat!

This little girl even got into the spirit of it:

The show was very fun to browse. Besides the show are gatherings of ladies who know each other through clubs and forums such as Doll Fan. Shows are great places to meet and deliver newly adopted dolls. At this show, 2 ladies had the privileged of "box openings".

Here is Monique opening her new baby:

First gazes into baby's face:

A beautiful ethnic Buggy Brown and one happy "mom".

Next it was Susan's turn:

This is her first silicone baby.

Gorgeous Sariah by Andrea Arcello!
And this new friend of ours, Danielle, had never really liked dolls. She just came along to spend time with her mom, but she has became twitterpated with BJD's at this show! This is her first BJD that she purchased at this show. (In our room the night before, she purchased another on eBay! LOL She is really in love!)

Doll Fan members just hanging out in the snack shack on the show room floor:
L-R: Heather, Erin and a REAL baby, Sally and Jess.

The show was closing and I found it so funny to watch groups of ladies rush to booths for last considerations/purchases.

The lady in read adopted a sweet Ariella from Stephanie (center).

On the Monday after the doll show, there was an organized field trip to those doll show attendees who desired to go. Here is the group at the Rosalie Whyel Doll Art Museum. I am third from the right in the back.
This museum is amazing! Not only is the building gorgeous, the collection is vast and pristine. We were honored to meet Rosalie and share some moments with her. She told us that even though the museum is full, this is only ONE FIFTH of her collection (the whole collection in the museum belongs to her).
We were only able to take this one photo as photo's are not allowed in the Galleries. The museum is due to close unless things turn around and more visitors come so if you are in the Bellevue, Washington area, you simply MUST go! It's delightful!

With the show and field trip events over, Sally, whom I spent the week with, took me to the Swedish store, IKEA. Oh what fun! We took dolls and spent some wonderful moments with customers. One gal even cried at how realistic the dolls are and said she would have one SOON!
Sammie (Dimples) took a little nap in the bin of puppy dogs....Zzzzzzzzz

I have more pictures of the visit to IKEA but don't have them downloaded off my phone yet.

Back at Sally's condo, we dressed up our Dimples girls:

I love going to visit the doll shows and customers turned friends. I get to spend time with dolls I've made and adopted out. Nina (below) had a joint come apart in her arm so I met with her "mommy" and did a little surgery on her. I so love this baby!

Alright....back to work! I leave in another 8 days to visit Dianna Effner and teach her to reborn. I think she might teach me more than I teach her and I can't wait!

Today I will FINALLY finish Sweet Melody prototype for Laura Tuzio Ross. Maybe I'll give a peek tomorrow before I set up her auction. We will see. Today marks the new fall and winter schedule at my husbands work. I work when he does (plus extra hours in the night) so we are going back to five 8 hour shifts a week instead of four 10's.

Hugs to you all!

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