
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The clock is ticking down to the Porltand OR show!

And I am nearing ready!

Yesterday I put together little Katharine who ended up being 14 inches long. She is such a sweetheart!

The 5" Berenguer almost lost her "Sweetie" name yesterday when it took me more than an hour and a half to apply her lashes! Notice that I changed the name spelling from Sweettee to Sweetie. It just makes more sense. She is ready for pictures now and I suppose still sweet~and adorable. I will recover.

Last night at 1:30 am (or shall I say this morning??), I finished rooting the big Berenguer, Lisa. I'll trim her hair this morning, seal it and apply her lashes and gloss. My hind end is sore from sitting so very much this week and I am behind on my exercising. ~sigh~ Too bad that rooting, processing mohair and painting dolls does not burn 500 calories an hour.

This afternoon I hope to finish painting Sweet and Sassy. IF that happens, I will quickly put her together and take her to the show for display~hairless. LOL

Tonight I'll take pics of everyone and get the birth certificates and take-home bags all ready. That should give me some time to relax on my "day off" tomorrow. But then there is laundry and food prep for a husband who does not cook. I can't let him starve while I am gone...I need a nap!

Oh, did I tell you what all I have packed into my 99 Subaru Outback? Well, since I had to take down the Gallery window display the other day, I decided to just take those display items to Portland and use to set up my show. In my car, I have a full size crib and mattress, full size changing table, full size wooden high chair (it does not fold down at all), a pad for the changing table and two very large totes! The totes are large enough to fit an 8-10 yr old child in~they are that big! AND....I have room to spare so if I find any treasures at the show, I can bring them home :)

I'll probably pop in tomorrow morning to post a few pics of the new babies that will be traveling with me for the show. Fun times!


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