
Monday, July 25, 2011

Angelica #2 is rooted!


Just like when I reborn the first Angelica (Kendall), it is unbelievable to me that this head could possibly be rooted/finished! But as of 1 am this morning~it is!

The correct color of eyes for her are still on back-order (6 months now!) but the company tells me that they should be in stock next week. Then I can finish the final details on this big girl.

I am so proud of her :)

In the meantime, my Sophia prototypes body just arrived so I'll see if I can't get that sweet little man photographed and listed on eBay! This time, I'll start the auction at 11 am in the morning. Most of my buyers have been from other countries and the evening auctions are very difficult for them as it is usually around 4 am in the morning their time.

Have a wonderful and productive day!

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