
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Fit for Life schedule

This birthing of babies has finally gotten to me and this "baby fat" has GOT to go!

I've changed my schedule here at TNGUN, but you won't notice too much.

Instead of sleeping from midnight to 6 am, I will be tucked in at 11pm and arise at 5 am so that I can fit a workout into my day before I begin breakfast preparation and lunch packing for my husband at 6 am.

This means a little less rooting at night, a little less mohair processing at night and a little less time on the computer~especially as we head into the busy spring and summer months. The less time on the computer will help me to compensate the things that are cut off at night...doing a bit more in the mornings than normal. I'll still answer all questions that come my way via email and other avenues, I just won't have as much time to "play" on the internet.

My workout was AWESOME this morning....stay tuned for a wonderful new ME!

********IN THE NURSERY*********

Things are going really well painting the Berenguer LaBaby with full Special Edition limbs...finally! I am excited to get back to working on her today. She will be a little auburn haired girl.


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