
Monday, March 7, 2011

Introducing little Nina~SOLD!

Please welcome Nina...and say goodbye also! I posted her up on my website on Thursday afternoon and had her pending in sale within the hour. She was officially sold on Friday.

As a "Simple Treasures" baby she turned out so wonderful and realistic.

Her painted hair allows for many hats without baby fuzz.

She already left on Saturday headed home to mommy and several other siblings.

Also sold/adopted on Friday were Josiah and Toby! Friday was a great day!

Today will find me coloring mohair, mailing packages and finishing up the paint on the custom order Berenguer I've been working on. I've not taken any progress pictures as each time I work on her, I am running right into the time that I must be in the kitchen preparing dinner. Maybe today...we shall see.

My 5K interval walk this morning was wonderful. The temp outside was right around 38 degrees F with a light snow falling on occasions. The air was calm~unlike now with the wind blowing and the snow falling heavier. And, I've lost 1% body fat! Whoooo!

Have a great day!

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