
Friday, March 11, 2011

I'll be on an internet break...

March 12-16th will find me on an internet break as I travel around doing fun stuff. So, of course, I won't be blogging any of those days.

March 13th will find me competing in the 5K walk of the Shamrock Run in Portland, Oregon. Wow...there will be 30,500 people in that run/walk! That is a LOT of people! I am anxious to see the logistics of managing this many people in one event.

I'll be home for a brief overnight stay and then on the road again to Grangeville, Idaho to surprise my mother on her 70th birthday. She does not know I will be visiting her on her birthday nor does she know about the surprise dinner party that I've organized. This will be the first time in MANY years that much of my family will be gathered. I am so excited for her!

I will finally be able to give her that special little mouse made by Melissa McCrory that I purchased at IDEX for her. I hope her special day is just the best!

See you on Thursday if I'm not too overwhelmed!

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