
Monday, March 28, 2011

Having a good time with OOAK Grand Girl

Aren't we just cute??? We did that self portrait after church yesterday. It was kindof funny getting Gramma on the table in a semi-Aline skirt before the camera timer went off!

And isn't she just BEAUTIFUL???

She's always been photogenic so I love taking her pictures!

I took a photography class on March 19th which really helped me with some of the settings on my camera. Although I had some lighting issues in the picture of the two of us, I think the ones I took of her are great. Here are a few shots I took the day of the class. (Mind you, this class was not targeted on photographing people or dolls, but I still got a lot out of it.)

So what's going on in the nursery??

Well, I started paint on a the 2011 New Years Day Drawing yesterday. Marilyn finally decided on the kit she desired~Anna Kiely's "McKenzie". She's going to be really sweet.

And last night I began rooting hair on Prototype Hillary. It's going pretty good so far!

I am dreading next week. Not only will I be without my little girl around, I have to do our taxes!

Ick...I better thing of more pleasant things!


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