
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daisy is NOT going home today~Pictures!

And Daisy is sad about that! It's all my fault~when my DH told me that he was going to the city on Tuesday, I did not realize it would be this NEXT Tuesday! Daisy will have to stay here with me for another week.

I am so pleased with how Daisy turned out. Her mommy wanted fair skin and the auburn hair. What a lovely combination for this sculpt. And I did a pretty good job matching her orangish limbs to her creamier colored head~if I do say so myself!

I've got a slide show of her on my website.

Speaking of my website, things are going well with it. I've learned a lot and finally know how to put up a full slideshow and page for each baby in the Reborn Gallery. I do not have all of the slide shows up will take me a long time to get everyone done and right now until June, I am pretty busy with orders and prototypes...oh yes, and that IRDA show and class in June. Yikes, June is coming very fast!

Well, I DID record a video yesterday and actually got it onto my computer. I learned a little bit how to edit sections the section where I am coming back from turning the camera on. During learning comes mistakes and mistakes create learning. I accidentally edited out my introduction! Overall, I am happy with how the video turned out but I am going to re-do it the next time I have a baby ready for a photo shoot as I left out some key points. That baby will be Prototype Hillary by Cathy Rowland. She is coming along nicely~I think she will be SO sweet!

Until tomorrow~Have a great Tuesday!

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