
Monday, January 24, 2011

So maybe he is not Asian!

What do you think....Asian or Hispanic/Latino?
This is baby Lee. He was supposed to be Asian but most are thinking he is of Spanish decent. Even his mommy see that in him (she loves him anyway!).
I think I need to take lessons in Asian babies LOL!

Either way, I am pleased with his outcome. I tried something new (for me anyway...I do not know if others have done this). Many babies have hair that sticks to the front line of their heads. That hair just does not come up off the scalp and looks like under-hairs. I wanted to obtain that look with Lee so I have glued the front line of his hair and rooted the rest. I am very happy with it however, I learned a lot and will improve more the next time I use this technique.

This baby is 21 inches long with his bent legs! He is just darling and has a chubby bellied body. Such a nice armful!

Oh yes, and I attempted rooting eyelashes again. I used to root lashes on my babies back when I started but I was never happy with the results. Rachel Maynard (Precious Little Babies) had an eye lash tutorial in Life-Like Dolls magazine that I found MOST helpful! These lashes are better than what I used to do and I'll continue to get better.

Lee is ready to travel to Orlando tomorrow and so is Josiah!

If you are attending IDEX, you can stop by Angela Harris' Table #39 to see him in person. He is the prototype of Angela's "Jenna" sculpt. All three prototypes will be at IDEX, which is very exciting to me! Josiah is available for adoption :)

And now...I am off! I will be traveling to a friends house today to be closer to the airport for my morning flight to IDEX/Orlando. I feel like a little kid, I am so excited! This is IDEX #5 for me and I am always so amazed that I am able to attend this amazing show!

I'll blog to you from Orlando!

Have a wonderful week!

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