
Monday, January 17, 2011

Simply Irrisistable Reborn Doll Kits~CAUTION!

I've been talking a little bit about this company for a couple of weeks now and finally am ready to spend a few moments to tell you why you should not purchase from them.

Whew...where to begin though.

Cindy Kohlscheen is owner of Reborn Doll Kits (RDK)
This company has been around for at least 5 years. It is well known by many, not just me, that sculpting artists were never paid for the sculpts that Cindy of RDK purchased for production and did in fact produce and also that many customers did not receive doll kits that were paid for.

There was even a heated discussion on the IDEX retail show floor in January of 2008 between two artists who were not paid and Cindy of RDK. Still, those artists were never paid for their sculpts and still, many people have never been paid back for purchased items never received.

Then Cindy Kohlscheen opened a site call "The Reserve" where reborn artists were expected to buy into a sculpt that would be a special "reserve". It all seemed very fishy and in fact, was shut down fairly quickly.

Here is a post on Doll Fan regarding feelings about The Reserve and facts about how it shut down and people were not paid and also how it does tie in with RDK.

RDK supposedly was going to shut down and supposedly Cindy was ill. Well, RDK is still up and running, amazingly enough. But in January, a new site reared it's ugly head....and I do mean ugly due to the way the owners talk regarding other companies and people. This site is called

Simply Irreisistable Reborn Kits (SIRK)

The first thing that caught most peoples attention were the off shoot of already reputable internet sites offering quality doll supplies:

Simply Reborn Limited



The third most disturbing thing was the lack of telling WHO they are and WHO the sculpting artist is for the first kit they are offering; Faith. Why would I do business with someone I don't know and how can I offer a reborn that I don't know who the sculpting artist is??

Many of us "vetrans" in the business quickly figured out that this, again, was THE Cindy Kohlscheen. Most of us were notified of the new business via our email accounts. If you go to opt out of receiving emails, you are taken to the RDK site. I won't be opting out as I want to keep getting notifications from any sites coming from Cindy and RDK.

Now I want to make the record clear that *I* personally never had any bad dealings with Cindy or RDK. I have met Cindy personally, received my orders from RDK and also did a prototype for her company, RDK. (I'll have to tell you though that the RDK vinyl is HORRIBLE to work on. It is pink beyond pink (flamingo pink) and seems to seep through no matter what color you put on it). That all being said, it is very important to me to only support businesses and people who conduct business in a professional way and also treat my fellow artists with respect and dignity. Not paying sculpting artists for their sculpts and not sending reborn artists their paid for kits does not fall into this category for me.

There has been several posts and some extended history being talked about on doll forums. I will post those here for your reading "enjoyment"~ugh. This will keep me from having to re-write things that other people know. I have not read every word so I hope and pray that things did not get too ugly in these posts! Forgive me if they did and I reposted them here.

New Doll Shop? post on Doll Fan

Message to SIRK post on Doll Fan

A reply to a message sent to SIRK asking specific questions

A post on Baby Banter

I am sure there are many other posts out there in the cyber world. Do a search if you want to know more...I am sure you will find it!

Be careful of this company. They are popping up everywhere trying to build this business; on Facebook, Etsy, LinkedIn, Twitter

Some people have ordered their Faith kits and have received them but I still HIGHLY encourage all my friends to not order from them.

Whew...I got through all that information!

So what else is going on at TNGUN? Well, I traveled Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I had the pleasure of picking up my dear husband who had been in Arizona to visit his parents for 11 days, then I traveled to see my mom, some nieces, both of my adult children and my daughter in law and both of my beautiful and delightful grand daughters. I arrived home last night.

So now, I am just one week from leaving for Orlando/IDEX! I will spend this week processing mohair and rooting the Asian custom order...and packing!

I'm getting very excited!


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