
Monday, January 3, 2011

Riley by Jessica Schenk~WOW~

Oh my goodness! In the few moments I was awake this morning, I have fallen in love with two reborn kits! The first one is this prototype on eBay so gorgeously done by Rachel Maynard. I love everything about this kit and Rachel's reborn of her! Look at the picture of her stretched out on her back...she looks like she has ribs! Excellent job Rachel!

Did I tell you that I get to meet both Rachel Maynard and Cassie Peek at IDEX later this month?!?!?! I am SO excited about that! If Rachel brings this baby, there MIGHT be a baby snatching! (Rachel are you reading???) LOL

The other kit is this Asian kit by Sebilla Bos. Now I have always loved Sebilla's work but oh my...this one is amazing beyond amazing!


So many little time!

I'll be taking tomorrow off from the blog and the nursery as I'm taking my dear husband to the airport, which is a day's trip. When I come back on Wednesday, I hope to have all my ducks in order to announce 2012's New Years Day drawing. Blog followers...this one is for you!

Have a wonderful day!


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