
Monday, January 10, 2011

Prototype Jenna, now Josiah is rooted!

I am so excited! I've got the little man done now!
These are just quick pictures taken last night~I'll do his official photo shoot later today.

Kate had commented/asked about my wavy kid hair and how it could be rooted straight. My answer is...with a fine needle. The hair that I used on Josiah is from a kid goat not really named! We titled this male goat, "Abby's Wither" (mothers name was Abby and Wither describes a baby male goat). Baby male goats usually are not kept beyond the second clipping and they move off the farm quickly. Older male goats become very stinky thus creating a smell in the hair so, even though they have LOVELY fiber, do not make good producers of mohair for dolls. I am always thrilled to get baby male goat fiber!

I rooted Josiah with a 42 G crown needle, rooting it much thicker at the tops and around the nape of the neck. But as you can see, even still, this hair is straight. The waves you see are either created by directionally rooted or created with my little brush. I will show his hair styled differently when I take his auction pictures.

Josiah is a little sweetie. Angela Harris did a wonderful job sculpting the "Jenna" kit! The kit can be pre-ordered at Angela's Originals.

While we are speaking of mohair, I was checking out Rachel Maynard's newest auction of Prototype Teddi by Marita Winters and scrolled down to see if Rachel had use the mohair she recently purchased for me on Teddi and sure enough she did! This is a beautiful baby~you simply must go see!

Teddi's Auction

I received a beautiful, custom made dress set and sweater in the mail today for an upcoming custom order Arianna by Reva Schick. I can't wait to show it off to you~it's is spectacular!

Hugs for the day!



  2. This person wants to know where to buy this kit. My reply is that the kit was not produced beyond the three prototypes so it is not available.

    Ce kit n'a pas été produite au-delà des trois prototypes de sorte qu'il n'est pas disponible. Je suis désolé.
